Merge pull request #271 from fmessmer/ci_updates
[travis] ci updates
catkin_lint fixes
Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.6.15 (2019-11-07)
0.6.14 (2019-08-07)
0.6.13 (2019-07-19)
System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 52)
Title underline too short.
0.6.13 (2019-07-19)
0.6.12 (2019-06-07)
0.6.11 (2019-04-05)
0.6.10 (2019-03-14)
0.6.9 (2018-07-21)
update maintainer
Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.8 (2018-07-21)
0.6.7 (2018-01-07)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/indigo_release_candidate' into indigo_dev
Merge pull request #209 from ipa-fxm/generic_throttle_private_param
use private parameters for generic_throttle
use private parameters for generic_throttle
Merge pull request #197 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license
use license apache 2.0
use license apache 2.0
Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, Felix Messmer, ipa-fxm, ipa-uhr-mk
0.6.6 (2017-07-17)
Change resolution factor to be a multiplicative factor and not a division.
Handle resize to factor 0 as OpenCV error.
Change misleading resolution with resolution_factor
Add rostopic exec_depend
Remove cv_bridge build dependency
Update manifest and cmake list
Update to resolution throttle.
Implement resolution throttle for sensor_msgs/Image.
Add @ipa-fmw as maintainer.
Add install tags for the executable node
Move throttle_node to script folder. Fix typos in README.
Rewrite lazy and latched behavior implementation
Adapt to new parameter definition layout. Parameters are now set in the node namespace.
Throttled topics have "_throttled" appended to original topic name.
Add ROS node for the throttle separated from the GenericThrottle implementation
Implement lazy behavior. Lazy and Latched behavior are disabled by default