Changelog for package summit_xl_localization
1.1.3 (2018-05-15)
- localization: adding new dependencies with amcl, map_server & gmapping
- merging with kinetic-multirobot-devel
- updating mantainers
- Add parameters to change navigation and localization mode
- [summit_xl_localization] odom topic changed to robotnik_base_control/odom
- localization: adding arg to amcl.launch to use either diff or omni model type
- localization: updating map_saver.launch to save in home folder by default
- localization: updating scritpt to save map in current folder
- localization: tests scripts to print orientation values (odom,imu) as rpy
- moving amcl,map_server from nav to loc pkg. Creating arguments for most of launch files
- summit_xl_localization/navigation: changed topics and services to make work rl_utils
- [summit_xl_localization]:prefix frame added to launch files and frames
- Merge branch 'kinetic-devel' into kinetic-multirobot-devel
- Merge branch 'indigo-devel-rc' into kinetic-devel
- updated odom params for diff_drive_controller and ekf filter config
- summit_xl_localization: adds script to use current gps position to call datum service
- summit_xl_localization: adding extra info and fixes indentation
- summit_xl_localization: added wait_for_datum param
- 1.0.10
1.1.2 (2016-09-01)
- fixed merge conflicts
- summit_xl_localization: commented robot_localization launch files
- summit_xl_localization: updated robot_localization launch files
- summit_xl_localization: added navsat_transform_new to CMakeLists.txt
- 1.0.9
- updated changelog
- Contributors: Marc Bosch-Jorge, carlos3dx
1.1.1 (2016-08-24)
1.1.0 (2016-08-24)
1.0.9 (2016-08-24)
- Adding install rules
- Deleting unused files
- Added rl_utils.launch
- Contributors: Jorge Arino, summit
1.0.8 (2016-07-12)
1.0.7 (2016-07-12)
- updated changelog
- Contributors: carlos3dx
1.0.6 (2016-07-12)
1.0.5 (2016-07-05)
1.0.4 (2016-06-30)
- added dependency
- Contributors: carlos3dx
1.0.3 (2016-06-29)
1.0.2 (2016-06-28)
1.0.1 (2016-06-28)
- indigo-1.0.0
- added simple script to test magnetometer
- Merge branch 'indigo-devel' of into indigo-devel
- configuration tested in Lisbon uploaded
- summit_xl_localization: added dependency to robotnik_msgs
- Topic name change
- Minor changes
- Update launch files. Add robot_localization_utils
- Update robot_localization_odom.launch
- Frame name change
- Add local_tf node
- Static tf update
- Add launch files and the new navsat_transform node
- First commit summit_xl_localization
- Contributors: Elena Gambaro, ElenaFG, Jorge Arino, mcantero, rguzman
- added simple script to test magnetometer
- Merge branch 'indigo-devel' of into indigo-devel
- configuration tested in Lisbon uploaded
- summit_xl_localization: added dependency to robotnik_msgs
- Topic name change
- Minor changes
- Update launch files. Add robot_localization_utils
- Update robot_localization_odom.launch
- Frame name change
- Add local_tf node
- Static tf update
- Add launch files and the new navsat_transform node
- First commit summit_xl_localization
- Contributors: Elena Gambaro, ElenaFG, Jorge Arino, rguzman