Changelog for package warthog_description
0.1.3 (2021-03-09)
- Bumped CMake version to avoid author warning.
- Contributors: Tony Baltovski
0.1.2 (2020-09-17)
- Add the legacy namespace mode attribute to the ros control plugin. This suppresses a warning in gazebo
- Contributors: Chris I-B
0.1.1 (2019-07-18)
- Tuned wheel friction to reduce drift when stopped
- Removed gazebo wheel physics as it was causing strangeness when turning, and defaults seem to work
- Contributors: Dave Niewinski, L. James Azzalini, Tony Baltovski
0.1.0 (2018-04-12)
- Lowered the effort and increase the limits to make the diff units more accurate
- Updated link stl
- Minor syntax changes for build warnings. Changed hardware interfaces. Added inorder processing for xacro
- Contributors: Dave Niewinski
0.0.3 (2018-04-12)
- Added track configuration.
- Added track meshes
- Contributors: Dave Niewinski, Tony Baltovski
0.0.2 (2017-11-09)
- Added imu link. Updated inertias for new links
- Changed the URDF_EXTRAS variable so it is more flexible for external packages
- Completely redid most meshes and added the bulkhead and arm mounting point. Added configs for both as well. Took meshes from 4 Mb down to 1 (total)
- Added Novatel Smart6 GPS accessory and updated localization to use IMU.
- [warthog_description] Removed joint_state_publisher as run_depend.
- [warthog_description] Updated URDF colours and links.
- Fixed missing right suspension link.
- Contributors: Dave Niewinski, Tony Baltovski
0.0.1 (2016-10-03)
- Initial commit.
- Contributors: Tony Baltovski