Changelog for package laser_scan_matcher
0.3.3 (2021-02-15)
- update to use non deprecated pluginlib macro
0.3.2 (2016-03-19)
- [feat] Publish Poses with Covariance (#44)
- [sys] Remove csm cmake macro; csm is now built upstream since (#31)
- Contributors: Eric Tappan, Isaac I.Y. Saito
0.3.1 (2015-12-18)
- [sys] Remove obsolete dependency. Alphabetize.
- Contributors: Isaac I.Y. Saito
0.3.0 (2015-11-10)
- [feat] Allow choosing between geometry_msgs/Twist and geometry_msgs/TwistStamped (fix #21)
- [sys][laser_scan_matcher] Depends on DEB version of CSM; it is no longer built upon compile time
- [sys][laser_scan_matcher] Add simplest unit test
- [feat][laser_scan_matcher, demo.launch] Arg for whether to use RViz or not
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Jorge Santos Simón, Isaac I.Y. Saito
0.2.1 (2015-10-14)
- [feat] Update gmapping demo as well.
- [feat] removed vgf filter, added xy filtering. added vgf on point cloud input for scan_matcher, vgf on point cloud input for scan_matcher
- [feat] removing pose2dstamped message type, now using posestamped
- [fix] PCL dependency Hydro onward
- [fix] rotation update check
- [fix] possible memory leak introduced by keyframe feature
- [doc] replaces tabs and fixes imu <-> odom topic comment
- [sys] cleaning
- [sys] Replace demo.vcg with a demo.rviz
- [sys] Small tweaks to CMakeLists.txt and package.xml files
- [sys] Catkinization: laser_scan_matcher (csm integrated as external project
- [sys] laser_scan_matcher: Remove CSM search in CMakeLists.txt
Since the csm package exports the CFLAGS and LFLAGS, we do not need to
explicitly search for the paths.
- [sys] launch files use rosbag api for fuerte
- [sys] imu topic renamed to imu/data
- Contributors: Daniel Axtens, Ivan Dryanovski, Kartik Mohta, Miguel Sarabia, Stephan Wirth, Enrique Fernández Perdomo