Changelog for package rwt_plot
0.1.1 (2021-11-12)
0.1.0 (2021-11-12)
- use websocket_port 9090 as defaut (#112)
- add test for rwt tools (#110)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa
0.0.5 (2021-03-12)
0.0.4 (2021-03-09)
- Add settings for ROS connection (#76)
- Modified rwt's javascript module path. (#70)
- Contributors: Furuta Yuki, Kei Okada, Iory Yanokura
0.0.3 (2016-10-01)
0.0.2 (2016-10-01)
- remove old rosbuild files
- reomve depends to the packages released from CDN
- Add maintainer. Consistent pkg versions. Sort out manifest format.
- use tork-a/roswww
- don't make functions within a loop
- catkinize visualization_rwt packages
- changes the color according to the level of the statuses #15
- fixing conflict
- supporting ticks #15:
- #15: plotting data
- #17: using color category of d3
- #16: formatting second from epic time
- #16: implementing x-scale moving
- #16: fixing the increment bug
- fixing xaxis scalling when the data is not enough to fill max_data
- using timestamp for x axis
- #12: sorting the topics
- fix default http port from 9090 -> 8888
- add rosdep rosbridge_suite
- #8: using timestamp of header if possible
- #7: updating README
- #5: introducing new function: axisMinMaxWithMargin
- #5: adding auto_scale_margin
- #4: using floor
- #4: fixing rwt_plot
- #4: supporting timestamp data
- #4: supporting ros
- #4: supporting auto scale
- #4: deprecate multi plot2
- #4: supporting multi plot
- #4: supporting basic_sample
- #4: implementing rwt_plot using d3
- #4: adding less
- #4: adding d3
- #4: fixing indentation
- #3: fixing ROSLIB.Time in example
- #3: using RingBuffer for sequential data
- #3: implementing RingBuffer
- #2: adding some documentation
- #2: adding Profile.js
- #2: running jshint
- #2: adding grunt-contrib-lss
- #2: adding default task
- #2: adding jshint task
- #2: adding build task
- #2: adding Gruntfile.js which include concat and uglify task
- #2: adding package.json
- renaming js_utils -> rwt_utils_3rdparty
- the very first version of rwt_plot
- Contributors: Yuki Furuta, Isaac Saito, Kei Okada, Ryohei Uead